Urban Initiatives

Urban Initiatives

650 W. Lake St.Suite 340 Chicago, 60661

On a hunch that what worked for them as kids also would pay off for at-risk children, the two professional youth soccer coaches four years ago started Urban Initiatives, a not-for-profit health and education soccer program for at-risk youth. Here’s how it works: Children at six inner-city schools, who don’t get recess or physical education daily, attend soccer practice before school starts, where they also receive lessons on social skills, character development and nutrition, and are fed a healthy snack. To participate in soccer games each Friday, the students must earn high marks on “work to play” forms that evaluate behaviors such as listening, respecting others, and completing their schoolwork. Dan and Jimmy, along with on-site directors at each school, work with teachers to reach out to children having difficulties, counsel them and ultimately boost their self-esteem and improve their behavior. The program is working. Teachers rave about the difference it makes in attendance, cooperation, focus and academic achievement. Kids in the program are the ones on the Honor Roll, exercising and eating better foods. And their parents tend to be more involved in their education. The program is growing rapidly–going from 16 students in one school in 2003 to nearly 200 students in six schools today–but Dan and Jimmy can’t do it alone. They say it takes a village to raise a child. But sometimes it takes two villages to reach those children who need help the most. Supporting Urban Initiatives provides a unique opportunity to make a real difference in our larger community. To keep up with growing demand for its programming, the non-profit is looking for new sources of funding. Individual donations have been the group’s lifeblood. Employer matching programs can extend their impact. In addition, if you have suggestions of corporations that might be willing to sponsor a school, please contact the group at connie@urbaninitiatives.org We urge you to take a few minutes to visit the Web site and watch the program in action: www.urbaninitiatives.org/video.htm To make a donation to this phenomenal cause, go to: www.urbaninitiatives.org/donate.htm Please help spread the word by forwarding this email to your friends and colleagues so they can learn about the program’s past successes and future goals.

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