You probably know how to throw a steak on the grill for dad (and the little ones can’t help too much with that) but here’s a cute BBQ dessert they can help make.
Makes 24 cupcakes
- Brownie batter (we like Ghirardelli Brownie mix, make it according to directions)
- Black food coloring
- White frosting
- Orange sugar
- Caramel creams
- Gummy candy (red, yellow, and green)
- Hot Tamales candies
1. Pour brownie batter into cupcake liners and bake 18 to 22 minutes at recommended oven temperature.
2. Mix frosting with a few drops of black food coloring and transfer to pastry bag.
3. Pipe “grate lines” onto each brownie and set aside for 30 minutes.
4. Add “embers” with a sprinkle of orange sugar.
5. Top with “kebobs,” “hotdogs” and “pork chops” made from candies. Use a toothpick to paint “char lines” with black food coloring.
Cupcakes Not Enough? Beth has several other adorable crafts for Dad’s big day.