This post was submitted as part of our “You Said It” program.” Your voice, ideas, and engagement are important to help us accomplish our mission. We encourage you to share your ideas and efforts to make the world a better place by submitting a “You Said It.” Noam Chomsky once said, “The more privilege you have, […]
I was 16 years old when I discovered the power of civic engagement thanks to the blood drives at my high school in Elgin. Larkin High School held four blood drives a year, and they were much more than just donating blood so that we could get out of class for an hour — they […]
As we enter the holiday season, the true spirit of joy is found in giving, especially to those who need it most. And there’s science behind this. Research has consistently shown that acts of generosity — whether it’s giving gifts, financial support, or donations — increase our happiness even more than spending on ourselves. At […]