If you’re hiding the remote for TV tune-out week, March 6-12, you might be looking for a few extra activities to keep your kids diverted. Here are our suggestions:
Icy Sun-Catchers
Just because it’s cold outside doesn’t mean you can’t have fun in the sun with this cool project that celebrates the freezing, cold weather.
4 Museums off the Beaten Path
The Field Museum and the Art Institute are fantastic, but what about museums in your own backyard? A new—closer and more affordable—adventure awaits your family at one of these four often unheard of institutions.
A Stuck Inside Guide: Tips and Tricks for Preschoolers
Here are a few tips to keep you and your preschoolers from being taken-out by a nasty case of cabin fever.
Book Suggestions for Pre-K Through High School
Our list of stand-out books for kids big and little
Family Fun Indoors on the North Shore
The North Shore is filled with fun indoor activities you can do with your children.
Ask a mystery guest to come for dinner.
A cute idea and you’ll get a clean house to boot!
Make caramel apples
It’s not fall, but kids still love caramel.
Make Grilled Pizza
As long as the grill isn’t covered in snow, change up the usual pizza night.
Click for more information about TV Tune Out and the events planned throughout the week.