Komen Chicago is searching for 10 male leaders in the Chicago community who are making a difference in the fight against breast cancer.
This exclusive group of “KoMen” will be nominated by the community and selected by the Komen Chicagoland Board of Directors to serve as an inaugural member of the Pink Tie Guys.
Make It Better readers are invited to nominate anyone who might be a great candidate.
On Oct. 13, the Chicago Tribune will host the first-ever Pink Tie Gala, an event that will showcase the inaugural class of Pink Tie Guys — men who live in the Chicago area and have a personal connection to breast cancer. Pink Tie Guys will be asked to speak out in their communities about the importance of finding the cures to end breast cancer forever. They might be leaders in the corporate and philanthropic sector, professional athletes, doctors, current and former elected officials or other leaders that can create change and help get us closer to finding the cures.
For a nomination form, and more about what it means to receive this honor, what you get as a Pink Tie Guy and what Komen is asking the Pink Tie Guys to do during their year as an ambassador, go to KomenChicago.org. Deadline for nominations is Aug. 31.