Thank you for joining us at Re:Work 2015 on Oct. 14, and thank you to our outstanding lineup of speakers. Below, find links to our speakers’ websites so you can connect with them during your job search.
Good luck!
Sheila Nielsen, Nielsen Career Consulting
Session: Getting Hired: The Insider Advantage to Building Your Personal Network
Theresa Sullivan, Wayfinder Advisors
Session: LinkedIn: Come Alive on LinkedIn
Gieriet Bowen, Up n Running
Session: Using Twitter for a Powerful Job Search
Kathy Roeser, The Roeser Group at Morgan Stanley
Session: The Real Deal on Who’s Hiring: Re-engage and Re-enter the Workforce
Aileen Baxter, Joblink
Session: The Secret Recipe of a Winning Resume
Katy Hansell and Lindsay Bray Landsberg
Session: HR Interview Role Play: An Engaging Role-Play to Highlight Effective Interview Preparation to Land Your First-Choice Job
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