Part of the description of Garrison Keillor’s Lake Woebegon is that “all the children are above average.” Like a lot of jokes there’s truth to it: no child is merely “average.” Each is unique, with problems to overcome and strengths to develop. But when grades are calculated, there are indeed students who spend an […]
“Abbie is a complete puzzle to me,” her mother, Julia Mason, confided. “Last year, in first grade, she had a meltdown at the class Halloween party. She wouldn’t talk to anybody. She stared at the floor. Finally she just went out and sat on the stairs and when people tried to get by her, […]
“I need to talk to you about my daughter Audrey,” Cindy said. She was a petite blonde woman, beautifully dressed, who was clearly making an effort to remain calm and cheerful. My son Robert, who’s 5, is autistic,” she said. “He can’t tolerate loud noises, or being touched or any change in routine. I […]