Hair, Beware!

Though it may seem that winter will never end, spring (and spring break!) is just around the corner. With that in mind, this guide will help you choose the best method for removing that unruly hair that’s been hibernating beneath your clothes for months. Tweezing Best spots: Eyebrows Frequency: Any time Pros: Tweezing is an […]

The Lowdown on Laser Hair Removal

We love showing more skin in the summer, but the necessary increase in shaving and waxing sessions is a drag. Instead, you may want to try laser hair removal. We looked at the specifics of the treatment to find out who makes an ideal candidate. How It Works During laser hair removal, an intense pulsating […]

Lasers are a Girl’s Best Friend

Forget the diamonds—lasers are the new “it.” Why? How about a facelift-like effect without surgery, architectural changes, or downtime? Lasers now treat whatever screams at you from the mirror in the morning: Age spots like Grandma? Acne? Wrinkles?  Sagging jowels? Hair in funky places?  (Where did all this come from anyway?) Find the Right Laser […]