Body: Transformation

Standing in front of thousands of people every month to introduce best-selling authors and researchers at Family Action Network-sponsored talks, Lonnie Stonitsch is one of the North Shore’s most visible people. And many have noticed that over the last 11 months, Stonitsch’s appearance has changed. She’s known for adding a flair of blue or pink […]

Q & A with Howard Gardner

Make It Better was proud to co-sponsor Dr. Howard Gardner’s visit to the North Shore on Oct. 29 and 30 with the Family Awareness Network (FAN) and New Trier High School. Lonnie Stonitsch, FAN co-chair, managed to catch up with Gardner  post visit and had him answer the following questions.   MIB: Why did you […]

Sooo Smart: Chalk Boutique Makes Its Mark

For years Evanston has lacked a modern women’s boutique, a place to shop for gorgeous American and European designer clothing and accessories.   A niche exists to provide a service to North Shore women, those professional life-jugglers with very little time to find a great dress in the city. They’d like a local shop that […]