4 Ways to Inspire Kids to Love Reading

Get your kids reading (and loving it) with these easy tips. 1. Turn Reading into an Adventure “Make books come alive and strengthen your children’s comprehension skills by turning stories into real world activities,” suggests Anna Piepmeyer, director of literacy programming at Open Books. Activities can be as easy as whipping up a batch of […]

Promoting the Habit of Reading

We know that children who read regularly do better in school. Reading develops imagination, intelligence and questioning skills during important developmental years. Here are some ideas to encourage daily reading as we head into summer. Create the Quiet Children live in a fast-moving, stimulus-laden environment. Create regular, quiet times for reading, with no computers, no […]

Library Love: Evanston Residents Book it to Save Branches

What makes a strong community and a great place to live? For many, the answer is having a public library within walking distance. That’s why a group of Evanston residents—including hundreds of kids—has started a grassroots fundraising effort to save the city’s branch libraries. When the group, now known as the Evanston Public Library Friends, […]