Spring Break Staycation Go Guide

Staying around town this week? It’s no reason to sit home—there’s plenty to do in the city and ‘burbs over spring break. We’ve got five great itineraries you can mix and match depending on the weather: Day 1: Take an architectural tour. The Chicago Architectural Foundation offers amazing experiences by bus, by train and by […]

Plan a Last-Minute Spring Break Escape

There are only a few short weeks before Spring Break hits the North Shore, and airports are packed with everyone in hot pursuit of sun, sand and escape from months of winter’s cold and gloom. No plans yet? Don’t panic! Local travel agents assure us that all hope may not be lost, as long as […]

Spring Break in the Cayman Islands

Spring break is fast approaching, and if you’re done with winter and need a beach getaway, there are few places more stunning than the Cayman Islands. Three islands make up the Caymans: Grand, aptly named because it’s the biggest and has the most to do; Cayman Brac, a much smaller island with bluffs, caves and […]