Happy 2018!
A new year signifies the perfect time for a fresh start. We embrace the clean slate we’re given and seize the opportunity to make positive changes in our lives.
You’ve probably already noticed that at Make It Better we’ve been doing some reinventing of our own. We made the exciting announcement last October that we acquired two gorgeous Bay Area magazines, Marin and SPACES, and felt it was the perfect time to give our print magazine a fresh new look that reflects how much we’ve grown.
We’re so proud this first redesigned issue, and can’t wait to share it with you. You’ll quickly see that its pages are packed with more original photography and in-depth editorial about the people, places and causes that make Chicago great.
You’ve told us time and again that you can’t get enough of our dining content, deliciously curated by our inimitable dining editor, Julie Chernoff. With that in mind, we think there’s no better way to kick off this newly redesigned issue than with a fascinating look inside the kitchen — and mind — of Chicago’s leading chef, and our cover star, Curtis Duffy, formerly of three-Michelin-starred Grace. [As we were going to press with this issue, Chef Duffy announced that he was leaving Grace and the restaurant has since closed — a surprising turn that has stunned Chicago’s restaurant community. We caught up with Duffy and got the back story on what happened and what’s next for him, so be sure to catch that exclusive interview here, too.] Then, don’t miss Julie’s roundup of some of the city’s best spots for fresh pasta, followed by the first installment of our comprehensive dining guide — aka, your Chicago restaurant cheat sheet. Trust us, you’ll never go hungry again.
Speaking of food and wine, we know that many of you have probably spent time enjoying the restaurants and wineries of the west coast, and that your hearts break with ours over the devastation the beautiful state of California and its residents are experiencing in the wake of the wildfires. If you’re wondering what you can do to help, you can start by booking a trip to wine country, which is still very much open for business, and can desperately use your tourism dollars. Read about some of the most stunning under-the-radar spots to visit.
As always, we strive to provide you with the powerful, positive connections and insights that help enrich your life while encouraging you to support those in need. From a special opportunity to join a powerful giving circle, to a touching conversation with a 94-year-old couple on how they’ve kept their marriage thriving for 74 years, to a compelling investigation into the power of the mind to keep the body healthy, we hope our fresh-start issue inspires you to greet 2018 with a renewed sense of excitement and optimism.
Flip through the digital edition of our January/February issue above, and to receive a hard copy of our next issue, subscribe to the magazine.
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