Stedman Graham developed his nine-step plan for personal and business success only after experiencing a period of failure.
After realizing that he wouldn’t achieve his dream of playing in the NBA, Stedman drifted—untethered by the loss of that consuming goal. But by his mid-thirties, through his work in PR and marketing, and his relationship with Oprah, Stedman met people who had envisioned the lives they wanted and created them. He learned from their experiences and passions and found his path success.
“Each of us has the ability to lead a dynamic life by pursuing our unique goals and dreams. There are no limits to what you can accomplish when you know who you are and have faith in what you can do,” he promises. recommends three of his books for North Shore adults and teens:
You Can Make It Happen: A Nine Step Plan for Success (Fireside, 1998)
Teens Can Make It Happen: Nine Steps for Success (Scholastic, 2001)
Build Your Own Life Brand!: A Powerful Strategy to Maximize Your Potential and Enhance Your Value for Ultimate Achievement (Free Press, 2002)
Additionally, Graham offers a life-planning system that can be used by schools at crucial times in a teenager’s development.
Just how effective is Graham’s nine-step program? Ask Oprah. His “Build Your Own Life Brand!” dedication says, “To Oprah, whose life brand is exemplary. The magnitude of your success is surpassed only by that of your heart.” Oh, to know our own strengths and life plan as well as she does!
To learn more about Stedman Graham, visit