10 of Chicago’s Top Black Women of Impact

Sound, inspired leadership has never been more critical to the future of our communities. At Better, we’ve made it our mission to celebrate local and global leaders driving positive change. From eco warriors fighting to save our planet, to athletes making an impact on and off the court, to forces for change achieving progress in […]

Let’s Talk Womxn Presents National "Dine Together & Let’s Talk" Event for International Women’s Day

Let’s Talk Womxn is launching nationwide on International Women’s Day with its “Dine Together & Let’s Talk” event on March 8 at 7 p.m. The organization’s objective is to increase visibility, funds and economic power for women restaurateurs during the Covid-19 crisis and beyond.  Launched in July 2020 in Chicago with 15 members, Let’s Talk […]

Sarah’s Circle Keeps Doors Open, Beer Fest Alive Despite Pandemic

Sarah’s Circle vowed from the start of the coronavirus pandemic to keep its doors open, and the non-profit dedicated to helping homeless women in Chicago has stayed true to that commitment.   As the pandemic rages on, Sarah’s Circle is bringing attention to the urgent need for additional beds for the homeless in shelters across […]

As Domestic Violence and Economic Hardship Continue to Increase During the Pandemic, the YWCA Evanston/North Shore Steps Up Its Response

With much of the population under stay-at-home orders or advisories, kids in remote learning, and many companies requiring employees to work from home, potential for domestic violence has made the work of organizations like the YWCA Evanston/North Shore even more critical. The Chicago Police Department reported that domestic-violence-related calls increased by 12 percent from January […]

Coming Together: Our 2020 Holiday Issue

As we go to press with the turmoil of the election behind us and promising news of a vaccine on the horizon, it feels safe to say the worst of 2020 is over. We breathe a collective sigh of relief and launch the healing work needed to Come Together again, better and stronger than ever. Covid-19 […]

Forces for Change: Meet 6 Leaders Making Chicago and the Suburbs Better

If there’s one word that’s been used to describe 2020 over and over again, it’s “unprecedented.” Yes, we’ve faced unprecedented challenges, unprecedented political and social strife, and unprecedented sadness and heartbreak. But, during what will likely go down as one of the worst years in our collective memory, when so many of us have experienced […]

YMCA of Metro Chicago Hosts its 2020 Virtual Recognition Dinner

The YMCA of Metro Chicago is pleased to host its annual Recognition Dinner virtually on Wednesday, October 21.  This year’s event will honor the people, the purpose and the passion that drives the Y’s mission and our great city forward.  In 2020, we have all seen how the people of Chicago have united with great […]