7 Yoga Poses to Start Your Day Off Right

As yoga’s popularity has continued to grow, so has the body of research confirming the far-reaching benefits of regular practice. Yoga can help treat depression, PTSD, insomnia, rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease, infertility and back pain, just to name a few. Yoga works your entire body and demands focus, which can be both soothing and centering, […]

5 Ways to Improve Your Health Today

Take a back-to-basics approach to good health with exercise, real food, relaxation, nature and friends. Take charge of your day and make some simple changes that may keep you free from disease and add years to your life. 1. Eat seven servings of fruits and vegetables.  Eating seven or more servings of fruits and vegetables […]

Forget Resolutions: 9 Ways to Change Your Habits for Good

This year, ditch the vague, overarching New Year’s resolutions and make changes that will stick through this year and beyond. “Change isn’t for sissies,” says Colleen Collins Josellis, owner of Organized Chaos, who helps people all over the North Shore deal with what she calls problems of excess. “Initial change is sexy; keeping it up is […]

Sitting is the New Smoking

Has sitting replaced smoking as the new health risk, causing sickness and early death? Smoking was popular until the Surgeon General announced, “Smoking can Kill!” in the mid 60s. In the last 50 years, the compelling scientific evidence has changed the behavior of Americans, reducing the number of smokers. However, as our population becomes more […]

Fill Your "Found" Time

That strange noise? It’s called silence. Those few blessed hours between the school bus pickup and dropoff. And now that they’re here, you may find yourself in the position of having or needing to fill them. Here are several suggestions that will at least get you brainstorming: Exercise Are you having a hard time committing […]