Two Blessings: A Fertility Success Story

Some women have an easy time getting pregnant, but for others, like Renata Cardelli of North Barrington, it was a struggle. But thanks to in vitro fertilization (IVF), along with prayer and perseverance, Renata and her husband Glen have two beautiful daughters. “I just feel like it was God’s plan, why I needed to go […]

Holistic Fertility: Two Local Women Lead a Nationwide Movement

The relentless quest to get pregnant can take its toll on women. Research shows that infertile women have similar rates of depression and anxiety as women with cancer. Hard to believe, right? Not if you’re Tami Quinn of Wilmette and Beth Heller of Chicago. They both struggled to start their families, and because of what they went […]

Don’t Let Your Laptop Fry the Family Jewels

Keeping your guy’s crotch cool while using a laptop may save future generations—literally! While it has been known for a while that heating up the nether regions of a man’s anatomy can impact fertility, not until recently was a study done that actually measured increased heat in the scrotum when using a laptop. In a […]

Integrative Fertility Care: The Best of the East and West

Local clinics are adding ancient techniques to be on the cutting edge of integrative fertility care. Jennifer Botchway of Evanston experimented with yoga, acupuncture, nutrition counseling and massage when she was going through infertility treatment, and would recommend holistic treatment to women trying to conceive. Botchway says, “I felt healthier and good about what I […]