What’s the secret to living a happy and fulfilling life? The answer to this question is something Dr. Robert Waldinger and Dr. Marc Schulz have strived to answer through years of research. The two men are directors of the Harvard Study of Adult Development, the longest longitudinal biopsychosocial study of human development that started tracking […]
Talking about sex is an important part of a healthy intimate relationship, but having the conversation can feel difficult and awkward. There’s still a lot of shame and discomfort around sex. We aren’t used to talking about our sex life in honest, specific ways with anyone—including the person we’re sleeping with. Sometimes we don’t broach […]
“Desire needs mystery,” says expert couples therapist and Mating in Captivity author Esther Perel. But for many couples, mystery has been in short supply during the pandemic. With the lockdown, work from home, travel bans, cancelled activities and social distancing, couples have never spent so much time together. It’s certainly true for my husband and […]