Summer may be winding down, but it’s not over yet! August means one thing for many families: family vacation! So whether you are planning a road trip, a stay-cation or an international escapade, here is a list of the best travel apps on the ‘net. And since these are all on your smartphone, you can continue secretly playing Words With Friends while you look busy planning your trip.
On our family vacations when I was little, my mom would always buy postcards and send them out when we got back to the room. As an adult, I started to buy postcards on my trips but never had the chance to send them before returning home. Postagram lets you be the artist: You choose a photo from your smartphone, and the app turns it into a postcard and mails it for you. Costs per postcard is 99 cents in the US and $1.99 worldwide.
Gas Buddy
Whether you are renting a car or taking your own, Gas Buddy is the perfect app to find the next gas station or the cheapest one in the area. A must-have if you have not taken the fuel option at the rental counter and don’t want to pay the high gas prices at the stations close to the airport.
Waze is Google Maps on steroids. Simply put in your destination and Waze will calculate the best route for you. You can even help your fellow Wazers by posting a warning for stopped police or a major backup. Perfect for traveling and commuting.
Field Trip
Field Trip will show you what is happening around your current location complete with deals, coupons and historical information. Great when traveling to both large and small cities when you have an open itinerary.
Simply Declare
If you are traveling abroad, you know that coming back to customs to declare your purchases can be a real hassle. Simply Declare lets you keep track of those expenses, has a location-based currency converter and a way to catalog a photo of your receipts for easy bookkeeping.
Google is likely already your best friend when it comes to searching. Did you know it can be your best travel companion as well? Just type in your flight or train information into Google’s search box to find the current departure and arrival times. Need a ticket? Purchase your tickets at the best price through Google Flight linked just below your search.
While we want you to enjoy every minute of your trip, we want you to come back home safely.
If you do take photos of your vacation, refrain from posting them on social media until you return. Unless you are 100 percent sure about the privacy settings in your social media accounts, it is best to share your vacation moments after your return for the safety of your home and family. Broadcasting your out-of-town plans can make everyone aware of your vacant home and give an open invitation for theft.
Did I miss an app that helps you get your travel on? Comment below!
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