3 Design Experts Share Their Best Tips for Maximizing Your Outdoor Spaces

“The Art of Living Outdoors,” a SPACES live virtual event, brought together three experts on design and gardening to discuss how Covid-19 has changed outdoor living. Jesse Harrison, principal of the international design firm Harrison Design ; Heather Sandy Hebert, brand consultant and author of At Home in the Wine Country; and Ben Lenhardt, author […]

Peek Inside Some of the Best Private Gardens in the Midwest

Ben Lenhardt loves gardens fervently, and he’s got the résumé to prove it. Lenhardt, who lives in Winnetka and in Charleston, South Carolina, retired from a successful investment management career to focus intently on his passions: gardening and historic preservation. In Winnetka, he filled his ravine garden with Caesar’s Brother Siberian iris and Japanese butterbur. […]

Garden Delights: 5 Home Decor Pieces Inspired by Nature

Whether you’re a gardener who likes to get down in the dirt or just a fan of beautiful blooms, you can bring your passion inside with these organic furnishings. Concrete Stool by Pamela Holmes for McGuire Coastal vegetation inspired San Francisco Bay Area artist Pamela Holmes’s concrete stool, which is made in the U.S. for […]

7 Top Apps to Identify Plants

Want to know your Sneezewort from your Monkey Puzzle Tree? You can now use your smartphone to identify plants or prove to a friend that you know that blue flower is in fact Lupine. So grab your device, because plant-identification apps can help your botanical knowledge grow. PlantSnap Free on Android, $3.99 on iOS. The […]

Why You Should Sow Spring Seeds Now for Summer Bounty

Think sowing annual seeds in the ground is time wasted and not worth getting your gardening gloves dirty for? Well, that might not be the case. Here are some reasons you should consider direct-sowing seeds. If nothing else, it provides good motivation to get you and your gardening gloves into the garden. The Ground Rules […]