Don’t forget your favorite four-legged friends this holiday season.
1. Canines for Veterans Gift Bucket: Give back this Christmas with this pet gift. A portion of the bucket’s sales goes to Canines for Service, which “rescues shelter dogs, rehabilitates military prisoners by teaching them how to train the dogs and revitalizes the lives of wounded veterans by providing them a trained service animals.” $40-42, Harry Barker
2. Murphy Pet Sofa: Sometimes pet beds aren’t the most fashionable things to have in a room. This pet bed comes in leather with a great print for the cushion and even has throw pillows. We wish it came human-sized. $2,979, Walter E. Smithe, various locations
3. iFetch: Have an active pup? With the iFetch, they can play fetch all day whether you’re around or not. A model for larger dogs is also on its way. $115, or Wags on Willow, Willow Festival Shopping Center, 840 Willow Road, Northbrook
4. Pet Gift Box: Sometimes you want to treat your favorite four-legged friend to something new. This subscription box is good for cats or dogs and features toys and treats. Pricing varies by monthly plan (1 month costs $29)
5. PetChatz: If you spend a lot of time at the office and your pet is left home, PetChatz allows you to interact with them remotely. There’s a video screen, they can hear you and you can reward them with treats. $349
6. Dog SnorZ pillowcases: It’s the dog that rules the bed, right? Well if it’s true in your house, these pillowcases are hilarious and make a great gift for your household. Everyone gets a sliver of pillow. $31, Wags on Willow, Willow Festival Shopping Center, 840 Willow Road, Northbrook