Judith Joslyn Hughes Keeps Northbrook’s History Alive

Do you know the history of your North Shore village? Well, the next generation of Northbrook residents surely will, thanks to Judith Joslyn Hughes, who has been president of the Northbrook Historical Society and the Northbrook History Museum for the last 10 years.

Hughes co-authored a book on Northbrook history that was published by Arcadia in 2008. 400-600 children come through the Northbrook History Museum each year and see exhibits such as a recreated home from the 1890s.

Hughes co-authored her first history book for the Northbrook centennial in 2001, and that book received an award of excellence from the State of Illinois. She also co-produced the WTTW video that followed the book.

Hughes has spent the last 5 years raising funds for Northbrook residents who have died while serving U.S. armed forces. The memorial, including 43 names, will be dedicated at 1:30 p.m. on Sept. 13, during Shermerfest, in Village Green Park near the Walters Avenue entrance.

In addition to being a respected historian in her community, Hughes’ volunteer resume is lengthy, to say the least:

  • Member of the Rotary Club of Northbrook
  • Communications chair for the district rotary (72 clubs)
  • Chair of the Northbrook Arts Commission (appointed by the Village board)
  • Chair of the Village Centennial (2001)
  • Member of the school board, 14 years
  • President of the school board, 6 years

She’d still be involved with Cubs Scouts, Girl Scouts and the PTO if her children weren’t all grown up

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