More than 425 guests gathered on the Rose Garden Terrace at the Chicago Botanic Garden on June 19 to celebrate and commemorate the 125th anniversary of the Chicago Horticultural Society. The horticulture society operates the Chicago Botanic Garden together with the Forest Preserve District of Cook County. Guests enjoyed cocktails and hors d’oeuvres followed by an intimate dinner dance on the Esplanade. The 2015 Summer Dinner Dance raised $500,000 to support the beautiful living museum.
The Committee for the Summer Dinner Dance was co-chaired by Mr. and Mrs. Michael Canmann, Mr. and Mrs. W. Sanford Kasten, Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Madigan, and Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Merlin. The Summer Dinner Dance was generously supported by ITW and Northern Trust. Additional support was provided by Abbott and JP Morgan Chase.
Photos by Robin Carlson and Robert Kusel.