This Thanksgiving, Northwestern Settlement is asking for your help feeding over 1,000 westside Chicago families. For $50, you can sponsor one hot, chef-inspired Thanksgiving meal for a family of four.

This ongoing pandemic continues to negatively affect many low-income families. “Our year-round food pantry and support services increased by 400% in 2020; we served more than 10,000 families,” says Carole Wood, CEO of Northwestern Settlement House. “Being able to provide 1,000 Thanksgiving family meals — with dignity and respect — gives these families hope of making it out the other side.”

Catering by Michaels is generously partnering with Northwestern Settlement to provide these chef-inspired meals at a discount. Each hot meal package comes with turkey, stuffing, scalloped potatoes, roasted vegetables and a seasonal dessert. To offset the cost of this meal, the company is graciously donating $100 worth of catered food per care package. “The generosity of our donor community continues to overwhelm me,” adds Wood.

Chicago families in need have relied on Northwestern Settlement House for over 125 years. The nonprofit organization continues to assist Chicago families, children and young adults facing distinct challenges at all stages of their lives. “The more support our community can provide to those in need, the more likely they are to pay it forward to their community when they are back on their feet,” adds Wood.
This Thanksgiving, over 1,000 families have already shown interest in receiving a hot meal, up 200 from last year. This meal giveaway began in 2020 after a fundraising gala was canceled because of the pandemic. The Settlement’s Winnetka board used their $8,000 credit with Catering by Michaels, and along with other donations, distributed 2,800 individual Thanksgiving meals to Chicago families.
Prior to the pandemic, Northwestern Settlement House would host an in-person meal for 400 families the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. “It’s wonderful to think about the multipronged impact of this donation,” says Chris Beer, fundraising chair of the Winnetka Board of the Northwestern University Settlement House.
To sponsor one of more families, visit: or use this QR code.
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