Please share your mission.
ZCenter’s mission is to provide a place where survivors of sexual assault and abuse can heal, and to mobilize the community toward action to end sexual violence at our two locations in Gurnee & Skokie.
Describe how your organization lives/realizes its mission.
Someone in this country is sexually assaulted every 98 seconds, and every 8 minutes the victim is a child. One in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys are sexually abused before the age of 18. Our programs work to help survivors of sexual assault heal and prevent re-traumatization. Supporting and honoring survivors is critical during this unprecedented time with the rise of sexual harassment cases, the #MeToo social media phenomenon and the many unreported assaults. ZCenter is the only rape crisis center in Lake County and has been serving survivors for 35 years, helping them take back their lives and supporting them as they move from being victims to living as thriving, empowered survivors. ZCenter is committed to ending sexual violence by putting the spotlight on courage: the courage of survivors coming forward for help and the courage of a community that recognizes the need for social change. In February 2016, ZCenter opened a second site in Skokie, Illinois where we provide sexual assault counseling and therapy. When survivors find their voice through courage, the strength they and their loved ones find brings about change. Clients interact with passionate staff members and our offices offer a welcoming, comfortable atmosphere where hope and encouragement can thrive. We operate on the principle that a holistic environment, composed of tranquil and nurturing surroundings with compassionate staff, can enhance the healing process. All survivors deserve to heal in a safe environment.