Hands of Hope
800 Hart Rd.Suite 100 Barrington, 60010
847-622-5201 http://www.handsofhopeonline.org/
RISE International
709 Frontage Rd. Northfield, 60093
847-441-4262 http://www.riseinternational.org/
School of Choice / Ecole de Choix
1240 N. Lake Shore Dr. Suite 11a Chicago, 60610
312-493-9929 http://www.ecoledechoix.org
The U.S. Fund for UNICEF
125 Maiden Lane
11th floor New York, 10038
212-922-2503 http://unicefkidpower.org
Winnetka-Northfield Rotary Charitable Foundation
620 Lincoln Avenue Winnetka, 60093
2243053684 http://www.wnrotary.org
Women Thrive Worldwide
1825 Connecticut Ave.Suite 600 Washington, D.C., 20009
202-884-8396 http://womenthrive.org/