The 10 Best Educational Apps and Websites for Kids

Our kids live in a world inundated with technology and they have immense access to information. As parents, we often worry about the dangers of video games and the long-term effects of being plugged into the computer for too long. If you want to ensure that your kids are getting the most out of their […]

6 Travel Apps to Use on Your Next Vacation

Summer may be winding down, but it’s not over yet! August means one thing for many families: family vacation! So whether you are planning a road trip, a stay-cation or an international escapade, here is a list of the best travel apps on the ‘net. And since these are all on your smartphone, you can […]

8 Awesome High-Tech Tools To Make Parenting Easier

Parenting is not an easy gig. The endless tasks and countless responsibilities can become overwhelming. But in this digital age, there are so many tools aimed at making life simpler. These handy gadgets and apps make groceries appear at your doorstep, let you know where your kids are, check on the dog while you’re out, […]

Don’t Worry, Be Appy: Using Technology to Increase Happiness

Early to bed and early to rise may make you healthy, wealthy and wise, but it won’t make you happy. “Prosperity and health (and physical attractiveness) are only minimally related to one’s overall happiness,” notes Sonja Lyubomirsky in her book, “The How of Happiness: A New Approach to Getting What You Want.” Current research suggests […]

5 Awesome Apps for Planning Your Weekend

Let’s be honest: More often than not, we’re working for the weekend. So, when Friday rolls around, make sure you’re ready to make the most of your days off. Whether you’re looking for something new to do with family or friends or simply want to find the best deals in town, these apps are ready […]

9 Must-Have Apps for Home Organization

Don’t you wish getting—and staying—organized was easier? Although ridding your home of unwanted clutter will always take some time and effort, your phone or tablet can actually help. Download the apps below and start selling your clothing or other unwanted items, keep your kids on track with their own chores, or simply hire someone else […]

6 Apps for the Nature Girl in All of Us

Whether you are backpacking in Birkenstocks or hiking in heels, be sure to check out these apps for all your outdoor exploring this summer. These apps are knowledgeable and easy to use when stargazing with a loved one, camping with the kids or hitting the trails for that morning jog. So get out, enjoy the […]

PercyFX App for Movie Lovers: Better or Bust?

Here’s an app for movie fans, but is it a “Better” or “Bust” to use? The PercyFX app for Blackberry, iPhone and iPad lets you customize a favorite movie clip with personalized messages that interact with different scenes. Available movies range from recent blockbusters like “Bridesmaids” and “Despicable Me” to classics like “The Big Lebowski” […]

The 25 Best iPhone Apps

We’ve updated our list of the 25 must-have apps.   These are the ones we use again and again to save us money and time (or waste a little time and brain cells, if we’re being totally honest). We’ve also noted which apps also work on iPads. Let the downloads begin! Communication Just using your […]

25 Apps for Busy Moms

We’ve updated our list of the 25 must-have apps. They’ll make you smarter, save you money and save you time. Start the downloads! And we also note which ones will work on your iPad.