Better Makers: Bikram Yoga North Shore Feeds the World

On Nov. 22, 41 adults participated in a 90 minute beginners Bikram yoga class at Bikram Yoga North Shore in Glenview. The event was part of the Feed The World Yoga Tour, which is a global movement to improve the lives of “all children in the world such that starvation and malnutrition are no longer a tolerated reality.” […]

Fresh: Bikram Yoga North Shore

Check out one of the only Bikram Yoga studios north of Evanston. Each class is 90 minutes long in 105-degree heat, with classes scheduled all throughout the day, seven days a week. Certified instructors are there to help beginners, and the facility offers showers, relaxation areas and mat storage. bikram yoga 1926 Waukegan Rd. Glenview […]