Playroom Organization: 9 Clutter Busters

Entering a child’s playroom can be a dangerous endeavor. In addition to the headache from the sight of Play Doh-encrusted carpet and the rapid heartbeat caused by scratched DVD’s littering the floor, you risk a doctor’s visit to extract Legos and Hama beads from the soles of your feet. It’s a room we often apologize […]

Must-Read Family Road Trip Tips

When you travel with your family by plane, you imply that the destination is the goal. When you take a road trip, you make a different declaration: There’s value in the journey. You have set your sights on discovering hidden gems and embracing the Zen-like qualities of the open road. A road trip offers a chance […]

Help Your Anxious Child Cope With Worry

It’s natural for children to feel worried at times – say, before a test or on the first day of school. Actually, worry can motivate them to excel. But, when it causes a barrage of irrational thoughts that interfere with everyday functioning—“What if mom drops me off at gymnastics and I get kidnapped?”—and provokes them […]

How to Truly Bond With Your Grandkids

For many people, staying involved in their grandchildren’s lives is a high priority. It’s how you go about creating the bond that gives real depth and meaning to the relationship. Boomers are discovering the joy of being grandparents and the statistics prove they are more than willing to devote time and money to enhance the […]

Chicago Children's Theatre: "Bud, Not Buddy"

If there’s only one show you bring your kids to this season, make it Chicago Children’s Theatre’s new production “Bud, Not Buddy.”   The play, based on the Newberry Award-winning book, follows a charismatic 10-year-old orphan (Bud) as he embarks on a journey to find his father in depression-era Michigan. Using clues his late mother […]

Talking to Children About Tragedy

Along with our sadness at the school shooting tragedy in Connecticut, comes questions about how and what to tell our children—especially those in elementary school.   We combed the web and found these excellent resources from child psychologists, grief counselors and educators. Let us know what’s helped the most in your household by commenting below. […]

Summer Skills: Organization 101

Soon enough, the frenetic pace of school and activities will kick in. We’ll have little time to clean out closets, let alone make dinner for our families. And while time spent indoors with your kids organizing their rooms doesn’t sound appealing in August, come September you will reap the rewards of order and efficiency. The […]

Fresh: A Place to Play

Think you’ve exhausted every possible play date? Think again: Growth Spurts is a new locally owned family cafe and indoor play space for children up to age 6.   The fun for little ones includes a crooked house and slide, a large-scale block building area, a doll nursery, a reading nook, a play kitchen and […]

2011 Children's Fairs and Festivals

Kid fests mean summer fun!   The months of June and July mean more than just hot weather; kid festivals in these months are the perfect opportunity to entertain your kids and have some quality family fun!  While all have amusing events and games for kids, most fests also have entertainment for adults, so the […]

Wretches & Jabberers: Changing Minds About Autism

Two men embarked on a journey to put a new face on autism—one with humor and soul and empathy.   Filmmaker Gerardine Wurzburg went along for the ride. Her new documentary, “Wretches and Jabberers” will be shown in Chicago on Thursday, May 12, as part of a nationwide event: 100 Cities. One Night for Autism. […]