Inspiring Change: SeaLegacy's Cristina Mittermeier and Paul Nicklen Honored at Brushwood Center's Smith Nature Symposium Awards Dinner

On September 30, the Brushwood Center at Ryerson Woods hosted its 39th annual Smith Nature Symposium, “Inspiring Change,” at the Greenbelt Cultural Center in North Chicago. Nearly 200 people attended the event to honor the extraordinary leadership of Cristina Mittermeier and Paul Nicklen and their impact on ocean justice and conservation as photographers, marine biologists, and founders of SeaLegacy. Every year, […]

Support Amazon Watch and Indigenous Peoples Throughout the Amazon Basin: On Earth Day, Your Donation’s Impact Will Be Doubled

Since 1996, Amazon Watch has protected the Amazon and our global climate in solidarity with Indigenous peoples throughout the Amazon Basin. Rampant deforestation has brought the Amazon — the heart pump of our planet’s global weather system — to its ecological tipping point. Indigenous peoples have sounded the urgent warning that we must act now […]

17 Bay Area Environmentalists Making a Difference in 2019

  Advocates and innovators. A local agency employee, a mother and a mayor. A scientist, an author, two recent graduates and several seasoned entrepreneurs. These 17 groundbreaking thought and action leaders have found powerful ways to influence and shift society. Their creativity and determination is changing the way we do business and the way we […]