Got Quarantine Hair? Time for Some Pandemic Pampering

Some of our pressing concerns du jour — relating to job loss, mortgage or rent, and of course, health — are clearly important, but it doesn’t mean other less crucial mat- ters haven’t been keeping us up at night. We’re talking about the beauty stuff, or lack thereof. California Governor Gavin Newsom announced that hair […]

Giving Birth in the Time of COVID-19

Pregnancy and birth are momentous for parents at any point in time, but having a baby in the middle of a pandemic presents its own unique set of circumstances and challenges. As Dr. Scott MacGregor, DO, an obstetrician specializing in high risk obstetrics at NorthShore University HealthSystem notes, “Not many people can say they were […]

Better Together: Voices From the Community

At every turn, we tell ourselves 2020 can’t possibly get worse—and then it does. Before the pandemic, times already felt tough for so many families. COVID-19 has exacerbated their challenges, bringing widespread unemployment and food and shelter insecurity, and underscoring the inadequacies of our health care system. The most recent examples of police brutality have […]

Quarantine Week 10: Here Are 5 Things To Keep You Sane

Who would have thought the week after a long holiday pandemic holiday would be so hard? Admittedly we are struggling to get in the swing of things again, and are longing for carefree days spent in the sun, exploring the city we love and brunching at our favorite spots with friends and family. Sigh. Until […]

New Phase of Openings Brings New Phase of Fear: How To Cope

As part of our “Love Essentially” series, Jackie Pilossoph helps us navigate the complex world of relationships. Have a question that you would like her to answer ? Contact her here, and it may be featured in an upcoming article! Intense fear, uncertainty and anxiety hit us all in mid-March, when the Coronavirus shut-down began. At […]