You Said It: During Disability Pride Month, Communities Should Focus On Improving Accessibility For People With Developmental Disabilities

Each July, we celebrate Disability Pride Month, commemorating the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) on July 26, 1990. The ADA has become the cornerstone legislation that prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in employment, public housing, transportation, and other areas. It has been a crucial tool for holding ourselves accountable and creating […]

You Said It: Empowering People with Developmental Disabilities Through Community Jobs

Most people with intellectual and developmental disabilities find it difficult to enter the world of work without qualified and experienced preparation and support. Opportunities for employment through vocational day programs often separate them from those who do not have disabilities, hindering their sense of integration and inclusion in society. To address this issue, Oak-Leyden Developmental […]

Pig Out

When former caterer Meg Dhamer of Libertyville sent her children off to college, they encouraged her to share her fabulous cooking with a broader audience. The result is Pigtale Twist: Ridiculously Garlic Blue Dressing, Three Berry Vinaigrette and Buttery Caramel Sauce. All are bottled at Lamb’s Farm by adults with developmental disabilities—and the organization receives […]