Gap Year: 9 Great Reasons to Consider

If you are considering a gap year for your son or daughter, here are nine compelling reasons to pursue this great option. 1. Find your passion or determine what isn’t Sitting in a classroom isn’t the ideal place to figure out if you want to be a doctor, journalist, teacher, etc. Hands-on internships or volunteer […]

Make It Better Guide: Aging Well

“Aging” is something we should all know well—we’ve been doing it since we were born. And we’re always looking for help on how to do it right. When we’re children, we look to our friends and parents for guidance. As we age into adulthood, some questions become easier, others harder. Finally, there comes a point […]

Make It Better Guide to a Gap Year

The school counselor mentioned a “gap year.” What is a gap year? Would it be good for your young adult? In many countries, taking a gap year before, during or after college—for travel, work or study—has long been a normal rite of passage for young adults. That practice has only recently been significantly embraced in […]

Globe-Trotting Before Graduation

Traveling abroad is an eye-opening, educational journey. Colleges, flush with cash in the 1980s, seized on that idea and expanded their study abroad offerings. Now, with high school students passport-ready, foreign exchange programs and area high schools are providing options to broaden cultural horizons for classroom credit. “A Life-Changing Experience” AFS is the granddaddy of […]

Half Gap Year

By now, most high school seniors have decided what college they will attend next year.   But, for some who have been offered second semester admission, the choice may not be so clear. That scenario could provide the perfect opportunity to pursue a half-gap year in the summer and fall, according to Linda Connelly, Gap […]

The Real World Advantages of a Gap Year

In the current economy, you might worry that spending money on a gap year is extravagant.   However, financing time off for your high school student before college could be a solid investment. It can positively impact how your teen chooses a major and career, and provide an edge in a competitive job market. So […]

Mind The Gap

Is a year off right for your child?   In the U.K., taking a gap year between high school and college—for travel, work or study—is a normal rite of passage for young adults. But in the United States, the practice is just beginning to catch on. The benefits of a taking time off in the […]

College Prep: Should Your Child Take A Gap Year?

It’s becoming increasingly popular for students to take a year off between high school and college. But is a gap year right for your child?   Linda Connolly, post-high school counselor at New Trier High School in Winnetka, explains the benefits. “It is the opportunity of a lifetime,” she says. “Students are gaining real-life experience […]

The Four-Year Fork in the Road: College Alternatives

Choosing a college isn’t an unexpected decision when you’re a parent, but it’s a daunting one—especially if your child doesn’t fit a four-year college mold.   The pressure starts early—post-secondary counseling typically begins during a child’s freshman year of high school. When it feels like all your friends are talking about which great university their […]