The Night Ministry's Lighting Up the Night Raises $370,000 to Help 4,000 Chicagoans Struggling with Homelessness and Poverty

The Night Ministry, a Chicago-based nonprofit that provides human connection, housing support and healthcare to members of the community who are unhoused or experiencing poverty, held its Lighting Up the Night fundraiser on June 13 at Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago.  It was the nonprofit’s first in-person benefit since 2019, attracting nearly 300 supporters who […]

Special Visits, Favorite Foods Lift Spirits of 8-Year-Old Cooper Roberts As He Recovers From Highland Park Shooting

It was addition by subtraction over the last week for 8-year-old Cooper Roberts, who is recovering from a gunshot wound sustained during the Highland Park Fourth of July Parade. Doctors removed Cooper’s two intravenous lines and feeding tube, and the survivor celebrated by indulging his cravings for Lay’s pickle-flavored chips, Chik-Fil-A, cheddar flavor-blasted Goldfish crackers […]

Illuminate: The Woman's Board of RUSH University Medical Center to Celebrate Excellence in Cellular Therapy at Fall Benefit

After two years of virtual celebrations, The Woman’s Board of RUSH University Medical Center is ready to shine its light on the beloved Fall Benefit with its return as an in-person event on Friday, September 16. “I think we’re ready to strike the word ‘pivot’ from our vocabulary and to hold the Fall Benefit the […]

Support Ingenuity and Invest in Arts Education Equity

Access to quality arts education: this was the goal that Ingenuity was founded on 11 years ago. On Tuesday, June 14, Ingenuity celebrated its founding leaders, Francia E. Harrington and Paul Sznewajs, whose vision led the organization to where it is today — and those who will see it forward. “Our strategies influence meaningful policy […]

Pickles Group, Founded by Wilmette Families, Helps Children Whose Parents are Living with Cancer

Three local couples bonded over a common enemy: cancer.  As they endured and supported each other as peers, they realized that their children, who endured a similar but more unique challenge, needed peers too. They founded Pickles Group.  “They all were navigating a similar situation. They all had a parent with a cancer diagnosis. In […]