Healthy Obsession: Fencing

Shawn Smith can tell you a thing or two about fencing.   First introduced to fencing in the sixth grade, Smith went on to become a member of New Trier’s fencing team and then fenced at Michigan State. Today, Smith is back to his roots as the fencing coach at New Trier High School’s Extension […]

Healthy Obsession: Pilates

Step into Suzanne Danilek’s Pilates class and it’s apparent that she has true passion for the sport. While Pilates has been around for some time, Danilek puts her own spin on her classes: emphasizing music and incorporating ballet, props, and muscular structure movements. We asked Danilek what Pilates is all about and what distinguishes her […]

Healthy Obsession: Kayaking

Skokie resident Nancy Vedder, an ACA certified kayaking instructor and program manager for Northwest Passage, shares why her thrill ride of a sport relieves stress. How did you take up kayaking? I began working at The Northwest Passage in 1995. While at the Skokie Lagoons, I fell in love with the sport instantly. The tranquility […]

Healthy Obsession: Windsurfing

What do you get when you combine sailing and surfing? Windsurfing of course! Doug Moline and his family share their love of the wind and the waves. How did you and your family get into windsurfing? Are there age restrictions? We each got into the sport in different ways. I grew up racing sailboats and […]