This West Town Loft Home Is a Study in Minimalism and Texture

Designer Michael Del Piero has a long history of working with a family (who preferred not to be named) on a succession of homes—in Winnetka, New York, Phoenix, Miami and two in Chicago. The couple have downsized and winter primarily in Florida, but they like to spend their summers in Chicago, so they’ve kept a […]

Make Over Your Closet: "One In, One Out"

  You reach for that fitted blazer that no longer buttons, ready to purge it from your closet, and a little voice in your head says, “You might need this someday.” When you (fill in blank: lose 10 pounds, go back to corporate America, etc.) that blazer might be just what you need. And full […]

Makeover 2012: Home Organization

What would it take to tempt you to organize and clean out your home office? For Anne Thompson, who has lived in her Wilmette home for fifteen years, it took the perfect storm: Pending empty nest, a goal of returning to school to become a social worker, and her ongoing work running MOCHA, or Mothers […]

Does Your House Need a Makover? Enhancing Curb Appeal

Call it curb appeal or putting your best foot forward. No question you want the outside of your home to look as great as the inside. We asked some local experts for their thoughts on how to fix up bad exterior architecture. But before you demolish anything, make sure you have a comprehensive plan that […]

Makeover Magic with Reupholstery

Nothing does a makeover better than reupholstery. Whether it’s a flea market find, a prized antique settee, or simply a favorite couch a little worn from use, your furniture will always look fresh with new fabric. So where do you begin? Fabric first. Look for upholstery grade fabric. Thinner materials like organza or fine silk […]