Where the Kids Are: Winter Break Camps

The kids are bouncing off the walls, and you’re thinking: “School’s out already?” You want to enjoy the holidays as much as the 7 year old sitting next to you—after you get the shopping, baking and cleaning done. And that’s not even considering work.   If you need a few hours to yourself, try one […]

Counting Blessings: Things You Can Do to Give Thanks

Somewhere sandwiched between sick kids and soccer schedules, there’s been a lot to be thankful for this season. And as we gather together with family and friends, it’s easy to get caught up in the holiday whirlwind. Here’s a few ways to enjoy and make the most of the holiday.   To Give Hunger is […]

Big Girl Birthday Parties: It's All About You

Birthdays—remember when they used to be a day we looked forward to?   Princess parties, turning sweet 16, dropping the “minor” status, the first celebration with a spouse or significant other … yeah, those were fun. Now, say the word, “birthday,” and most us think about our kids: parties to plan, goodie bags to one-up […]

The Four-Year Fork in the Road: College Alternatives

Choosing a college isn’t an unexpected decision when you’re a parent, but it’s a daunting one—especially if your child doesn’t fit a four-year college mold.   The pressure starts early—post-secondary counseling typically begins during a child’s freshman year of high school. When it feels like all your friends are talking about which great university their […]

A Spa is Reborn: Welcome to Glenview's Aphora

When the Silken Tent closed its doors in August, building owners Mike and Kathy Duncan had a choice~ Mike and Kathy could let a beautiful facility be stripped down and sold piece by piece, or reinvent the spa experience and open its doors once again. Thank goodness they chose the latter. The Duncans are welcoming […]

DIY Pedicures: Glamour On Your Time

We’re all looking for a few ways to nip and tuck financially, so I offer you this suggestion: In between trips to the nail salon, treat yourself to an at-home treatment. But before you break out the polish, consider the pros and cons.   Pros: • You don’t have to shave your toes unless you […]

Halloween Costumes On A Dime

“Mommy, I want to be a boy.” Did my 8-year-old daughter just ask me to begin the gender reassignment process for her? “For Halloween, Mom! I want to dress like Daddy!” Whew. I have a love/hate relationship with Halloween. LOVE stealing Milky Ways out of my kids’ candy cache. HATE coming up with costume ideas. […]

College Apps 101: Quality Versus Quantity

It’s arguably the most competitive sport on the North Shore: college admissions.   And the season is upon us. Once your kid has taken the SAT and as many honors classes as possible, it’s finally time for him or her to fill out the application and knock the socks off admissions officers. So, here are […]

Noah's Ark Pet Supply is Patron Saint of Many Things Furry

For Angie DeMars, it’s not just a job—it’s an adventure. A Colorado transplant who made her way to the North Shore on a one-way ticket, DeMars is the owner of Noah’s Ark Pet Supply in Winnetka. For this lifelong animal lover, pet store ownership was kind of a happy accident. “I traveled all the time […]

Closing the great divide

With the holiday prep clock tick-tocking in our ears and our To Do list refilling itself before our eyes, even the most organized, upbeat, holiday-loving gal can feel the stress of the season. Our advice? Take a breath and a break to share holiday memories between the generations. Never-heard-before stories may make you see someone […]