Lighting Rules for North Shore Homes and Gardens

We love our gardens. From tiny window ledge herb gardens to pottage layouts worthy of a Nancy Meyers film; you can find these and everything in between on the North Shore. While most gardeners love choosing plants and spend hours with their landscape designer or their shovel, few focus on lighting their property and gardens. […]

Fresh: A-Maze-Ing

Who needs an interior designer when you can just shop from a designer’s collection?   Cindy Galvin, a designer on the North Shore for more than 20 years, has stocked her new store, Maze Home in downtown Winnetka, with all of her favorite furnishings, including one-of-a-kind finds from Paris flea markets, Oriental rugs and her […]

Adventurous Women

The North Shore can seem like a bubble: People shuttling from home to work and back again, and kids from home to school to activities. Places like Haiti seem far away until disasters bring them to our attention.

Matchmaker, Matchmaker

Looking for a date this Valentine’s Day? Skip in favor of Highland Park’s Jill Rudman. Jill Rudman of Highland Park is a professional matchmaker, but she’s so genuine and down to earth she seems more like a cool new girlfriend who just happens to know the perfect guy for you. And that’s just how […]