Marriage Advice for Newlyweds (and the Not-So-Newlyweds)

Newlyweds, I hate to be a downer, but this wave of bliss you’re riding isn’t what marriage is really about. You and your mate are ablaze with sexual chemistry and romance. You’ve yet to have your love sabotaged by illness, financial hardship, boredom, or a screaming, sleepless, poop-covered child. But fear not. I’ve discovered the […]

Put Your Marriage First

Most of us try, but miserably fail at putting our marriage first. Sure, we had the designated date night when the kids were young and we couldn’t survive without physical separation from them. But as the tedious demands let up and the kids’ activities kicked in, weekly date night just didn’t get first priority—and neither […]

6 Ways to Put Your Marriage First

No marriage is perfect, but here is some simple advice you can use to move your marriage back to first place. The previous article in this series “Put Your Marriage First,” gave us the why; here’s the how. And just to make us all feel better, I included some of my friends’ heart-felt admissions about […]

5 Things You Should Know About Marriage Counseling

Every long-term relationship goes through peaks and valleys. Marriage counseling can help a couple work through the valleys and enjoy the peaks. Here are five things every committed couple should know about marriage counseling. 1.    Counseling is for happy couples, too. Just like a car that’s making funny noises, when it comes to a relationship, […]

Do You Treat Your Dog Better Than Your Spouse?

“She’s so abusive!”  “He’s not attentive.”  “I don’t like the way she treats me.”  “He’s never around.”   These are some of the comments life counselor Robin Mitzen hears from married couples who are in therapy with her. Some of the things I hear from both men and women are so much worse, I can’t […]