Why Saying 'I’m Stressed' Isn’t Helping — And What to Say Instead for Better Mental Health

In the aftermath of a tumultuous election season, political division, wildfires, and a general sense of uncertainty for the future, it’s easy to think we are all simply living in a united state of stress with little good to come from it. However, the science of emotional intelligence tells us that using the term stress […]

Growing the Good: How Local Gardens Can Transform Communities

This post was submitted as part of our “You Said It” program.” Your voice, ideas, and engagement are important to help us accomplish our mission. We encourage you to share your ideas and efforts to make the world a better place by submitting a “You Said It.” What if as individuals we embrace the task of […]

How NAMI’s 988 Call Center Provides Local Support for the National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

In January, National Alliance of Mental Illness Chicago (NAMI) began operating its own 988 center. 988, formerly known as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, is a phone and text crisis line for people experiencing mental health difficulties, linking callers to local support. 988 is for folks who are experiencing mental health distress, including suicidal crisis, […]

Yale Researchers Analyzed Millions of Emotional Responses to the Pandemic — Here Are Their Surprising Findings About How We Feel

Four years after the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, news cycles continue to serve up potentially traumatic events that remind us resilience is fundamental to successfully navigating crises. At the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, we recently unpacked research conducted during the pandemic to gain a better understanding of how people were feeling. What we […]

How To Help: This October We Honor Mental Health Awareness — Support Your Loved Ones and Community

This year, from Oct. 2 to 8, we celebrate Mental Health Awareness Week—a national, week-long observance that discusses, examines, and advocates for mental health conditions. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, which founded the tradition in 1990, the series also aims to “raise awareness of mental illness, fight discrimination, and provide support. “ […]

National Fentanyl Awareness Day: Stories and Advice from Parents and Experts Who Have Faced the Terrifying Reality of America’s Fentanyl Crisis

Fentanyl has been called the single deadliest drug threat our nation has ever encountered. It is, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 50 to 100 times more potent than morphine. The numbers are staggering. In 2021, 107,375 Americans died of drug overdose and poisoning, with 67% of those deaths involving synthetic […]

National Fentanyl Awareness Day: A Lament and Request For Help On Behalf Of Charlie, Linus and Too Many Other Lost Children

My nephew Charlie Griswold was born just a few weeks before our youngest child, Emma. Both were beloved youngest siblings in large, strongly connected families. They were two of seventeen beloved grandchildren, who gathered frequently and playfully. Charlie’s brilliant blue eyes and mischievous grin endeared him to all.   View this post on Instagram A post […]