10 of the Best Nature Documentaries to Watch This Earth Day

Since 1970, we have come together globally to celebrate Earth Day each April, and reignite the discussion around climate action, conservation and restoration. Earth Day falls on April 22 this year, providing us a pause to catch up on the world around us and learn how we can help with actions both big and small. […]

10 of the Best Nature Documentaries to Watch This Earth Day

Since 1970, we have come together globally to celebrate Earth Day each April, and reignite the discussion around climate action, conservation and restoration. Earth Day falls on April 22 this year, providing us a pause to catch up on the world around us and learn how we can help with actions both big and small. […]

10 of the Best Nature Documentaries to Watch This Earth Day

Since 1970, we have come together globally to celebrate Earth Day each April, and reignite the discussion around climate action, conservation and restoration. Earth Day falls on April 22 this year, providing us a pause to catch up on the world around us and learn how we can help with actions both big and small. […]

Walk on the Wild Side

Even though the winter of 2020 was a washout in many ways, in terms of rainfall things were pretty dry. Thanks to an atmospheric river in January and some other later rains however, the wildflower prospect is looking bright. So strap on your mask and hiking books and take in the kaleidoscopic beauty of Marin’s […]

Into the Great Wide Open: Discover Openlands Lakeshore Preserve

After months indoors, the pandemic has made many of us profoundly more appreciative of outdoor spaces. As fall rolls in and you continue to look for ways to spend time outside before the icy chill of Chicago winter strikes, check out some of the breathtaking natural spaces protected by Openlands.  Founded in 1963, Openlands is […]