7 Quirky New Year’s Eve Traditions Around the World

When it comes to New Year’s Eve, other countries have some pretty distinctive traditions. Here are some that make kissing at midnight sound boring. To help you figure out when these events will take place, we’ve given you the time that midnight strikes in relation to Chicago CST. Belarus Jan. 1, 9 a.m. During the […]

7 Quirky New Year’s Eve Traditions Around the World

When it comes to New Year’s Eve, other countries have some pretty distinctive traditions. Here are some that make kissing at midnight sound boring. To help you figure out when these events will take place, we’ve given you the time that midnight strikes in relation to Chicago CST. Belarus Jan. 1, 9 a.m. During the […]

First Night Evanston Tops Off the City’s 150th Year

Families, grandparents and kids will all find something they love among the more than 30 musical and theatrical performances at this New Year’s Eve celebration. Don’t worry about the chill—the seven indoor venues hosting First Night Evanston events are located within a short distance of Evanston’s Raymond Park, which is bordered by Chicago and Hinman […]

Resolution Revolution

Every year we make the same-old resolutions, and every year we inevitably fail to keep them—it’s time for a resolution revolution! Where old resolutions felt like punishments, our new-and-improved resolutions focus on enjoyment, not deprivation. Here, we put a positive spin on the age-old negative thinking. Old Resolution: Achieve balance on your scale. New Resolution: […]