The holiday season is magical. The holiday season is wondrous. The holiday season is … overwhelming! It doesn’t take too long to grow weary of mall Santas, festive bunting and the continuous chorus of “Ho ho ho!” You want to enjoy the season, so make sure you take a break from it once in a […]
“To treat a disease, find the Root.” Test this Chinese saying with Apex Acupuncture and Wellness, Ltd owner Jana Bricker as she uses Traditional Chinese Medicine to diagnose, heal and treat. Undergoing advanced training in the treatment of sports injuries and pain conditions, Jana uses this traditional form of medicine in the form of acupuncture […]
For gals who are looking for a little pampering—think sister, mom, daughter or best friend—we have all kinds of glamorous goods that will make her glow this holiday season. And for the men in your life, we have a couple of ideas that are sure to up his game in the grooming department. Tru […]