Inside Out Turkey

Got leftovers? Then you can have a great meal without all the fuss from the day before. Don’t bag the bird – follow these quick tips for an Inside Out Turkey.   Wine Pairings Grenache has a bright red fruit finish that can stand up to the myriad flavors that Thanksgiving dinner presents. Joe Alter […]

Being Sent to 'the Dog House' Has Never Been So Good

Getting sent to “the dog house” might not be such a bad thing anymore. Consider some amenities available to the modern hound:   Doggie day care where the mornings are filled with supervised playtime, a midday nap and then more play “Hotels” or “boarding houses” (we used to call them kennels) where pup can have […]

Video: Super Fly

Focusing on fitness, the Move of the Month seeks to help you get more oompf in less time. This first move, featured in our November magazine, is a modified plank that works virtually every muscle in your body with a few added techniques.

Snooping Through Hubbard Woods

  These days, I’m a lucky girl. I snoop in interesting homes and beautiful shops filled with surprises, and I meet fascinating people, folks blessed with right-brain abundance and a knack for living the interesting life. Sharing the discoveries from my snooping excursions is the other half of the fun. Which is why the Snoopster […]

Green Dreaming

We caught up with Bark, a physician from Evanston, who let us in on her green fairytale. When Bark’s old house flooded in 1999, it had to be demolished because of the carpet of mold that nature chose to install in the aftermath. Somewhere along the way Bark asked a contractor she knew from spin […]

Feline Fantasy

I want to be a cougar. Not the four-legged animal, silly! I want to be one of those glamorous confident older women who go on the prowl for younger men. Cougars are the “it” girls of choice right now. Fueled by TV shows like Sex in the City and Desperate Housewives, women over forty are […]

Eye Disease Cure May Be 'Within Sight'

We’re all willing to go the distance to make life better for our kids, but not just any parent steps up when that distance is a 1-mile swim, a 23-mile bike ride and a 6-mile run, an Olympic triathlon.   But Wilmette’s Mike and Chrissy Cornell dive right in to raise money for a cause […]

A Golf Storied Estate

Most homeowners might buff out unseemly scuffs on wood-planked floors. Not here, at the former clubhouse and caddy shack of the legendary Mill Road Farm in Lake Forest. Here they venerate the subtle cleat marks left by countless golf legends. You would too if the likes of Bing Crosby, Bob Hope and Babe Didrickson had […]