7 Days to Completely Organize Your Home

Some people were born with the organization gene—they were the kids who color-coded their Big Box of crayons. But for the rest of us, getting organized (and staying that way) remains a perennial springtime promise—as dependable as daffodils, but not nearly as pretty. Karen York, an Evanston-based professional organizer and one of those color-coding kids, knows […]

5 Tips for Organizing Your Toiletries

If you want to tackle one not-too-hard task this weekend, make it organizing your toiletries.   Summer is a great time to sort and toss! Here are 5 tips for organizing your toiletries from the book, “The Fast and Furious 5 Step Organizing Solution.” 1. Throw away anything that has expired as well as all […]

Paperwork, Filing and Bills, Oh My!

Do you have piles of paperwork lurking in your house? Many of us are so inundated with the inflow of bills, statements, school papers, coupons and correspondence, all we can do is stuff it somewhere out of sight until we find the courage (and several hours) to deal with it. Marjie Killeen’s in-basket was overflowing […]

Helping the Disorganized Child

Sam Sr. is running about forty minutes behind. He has a meeting at nine, but he’s half dressed and has gotten interested in fixing the fax machine.   Sam Jr. is hopping around in his pajamas and one sock. The water is running in his bathroom because he was going to brush his teeth, but […]

Too Much Stuff

Amassing a front closet collection of post-holiday clutter including 17 scented candles, three pairs of fuzzy pink slippers, two juicers and a Snuggie, all still in boxes with the tags attached? You’re not alone. Here’s where to donate post-holiday clutter. Collectively, we are drowning in stuff. Transcending crowded houses and complicated lives, the insatiable desire […]

Everything Has a Place

The truth is that no matter how organized we may be, life, as well as our families, can be messy, and maintaining a home can be a real challenge. Here are the practices I use to make sure that—no matter what—order can be restored in my house quickly, painlessly and without the assistance of a […]