Keep It Casual: Simple Holiday Party Ideas

Dressing up in your festive best for elegant holiday soirees is something most of us look forward to every season. But the holidays are also about slowing down and spending time with family and friends, so don’t feel pressured to make every gathering a formal affair. Here are three holiday party ideas for those times when you just want to keep it […]

4 Ways to Reinvent the Dinner Party

Who has the time to warm plates, cook five plus hours in advance and prepare formal invitations? Not us. But just because the old-fashioned idea of the dinner party is dead doesn’t mean the idea behind it has to go down, too. “This is old school social networking,” said Tracey Doull, founder of Kitchen Moxie, […]

Kids Who Make A Difference: Mason Isaac

Like all kids, Mason Isaac loves presents, but the kind of gifts that get him jumping up and down aren’t little plastic toys or electronic gadgets. Mason gets excited by envelopes with donations to save the polar bears or build a school in Afghanistan. “I have plenty of toys,” he says. So since his second […]