5 Questions You Should Ask on a Date to Spark Meaningful Conversation

In our career-driven modern world, it can sometimes feel easier to land a new job than find a romantic partner, especially when first dates tend to go a lot like a job interview. The problem is that many of these dates go south when singles don’t engage in meaningful conversation, says celebrity matchmaker, relationship expert […]

9 Tell-Tale Signs You’re Dating a Narcissist

The term narcissist often brings to mind an image of someone who’s self-absorbed and obsessed with their appearance. However, narcissistic personality disorder, or NPD, concerns far more than superficiality and what meets the eye. Due to this erroneous preconception, it can be difficult to spot a narcissist, particularly when the person is close to you: […]

9 Tell-Tale Signs You’re Dating a Narcissist

The term narcissist often brings to mind an image of someone who’s self-absorbed and obsessed with their appearance. However, narcissistic personality disorder, or NPD, concerns far more than superficiality and what meets the eye. Due to this erroneous preconception, it can be difficult to spot a narcissist, particularly when the person is close to you: […]

Singles Re-Emerging from Lockdown Are Suffering from FODA — Fear of Dating Again. Here’s Why

As more and more vaccines to protect against Covid-19 become available, and state governments loosen social distancing restrictions, people, including singles, have begun re-emerging from lockdown. On April 10, the CDC reported that approximately 179 million vaccines had been administered in the U.S. While the country gradually transitions back into “normal” life, singles who’ve put their dating […]

Dr. Laura Berman: Expert Relationship Advice

Are kids, stress or boredom putting a damper on your libido this Valentine’s Day? Chicago’s own leading sex and relationship expert Dr. Laura Berman is here to help. Dr. Berman is the author of the books “The Passion Prescription” and “Loving Sex,” and has been the go-to “Sexpert” for both Oprah and Dr. Oz. You […]

Put Your Marriage First

Most of us try, but miserably fail at putting our marriage first. Sure, we had the designated date night when the kids were young and we couldn’t survive without physical separation from them. But as the tedious demands let up and the kids’ activities kicked in, weekly date night just didn’t get first priority—and neither […]