6 Bay Area Summer Camps Your Kids Will Love

As a child, I went to Girl Scout overnight camp every summer. It was one of the highlights of my childhood and I find myself reliving the memory of it often. While camp was outwardly about establishing friendships, building fires from scratch and singing those goofy camp songs, it was was so much more than […]

6 Bay Area Summer Camps Your Kids Will Love

As a child, I went to Girl Scout overnight camp every summer. It was one of the highlights of my childhood and I find myself reliving the memory of it often. While camp was outwardly about establishing friendships, building fires from scratch and singing those goofy camp songs, it was was so much more than […]

Race to Mackinac: 333 Miles of Adventure

It’s 4 a.m. I’m steering a small sailboat through possibly the heaviest rain I’ve ever experienced. The story of Noah comes to mind. Keeping my glasses clear is hopeless, so I’ve taken them off. They wouldn’t help much anyway. Visibility is down to a few hundred feet at best. I grip the wheel tightly, fighting […]