It seems like everywhere we turn, we hear about how our beloved planet Earth is falling apart. Global warming, threatened wildlife, polluted oceans, natural disasters, deforestation and fresh water depletion barely scratch the surface of the environmental issues we’re facing as a society. If you’ve ever thought “what can I do, in my little part […]
As we head into 2021, many people are adding climate resolutions to their list along with the usual health and wellness resolutions—so why not combine the two? With endless options to work out at home now, including through local businesses, there’s no excuse not to take care of your body during our continued isolation this […]
Advocates and innovators. A local agency employee, a mother and a mayor. A scientist, an author, two recent graduates and several seasoned entrepreneurs. These 17 groundbreaking thought and action leaders have found powerful ways to influence and shift society. Their creativity and determination is changing the way we do business and the way we […]