Teens and Money: Too Busy to Earn? But Not too Busy to Learn

We want our North Shore teenagers to work in the summer for many reasons—work ethic, sense of accomplishment, money management skills and mostly to keep them from constantly asking us for money.   But not every teen has a schedule that allows for paid employment. From summer school to sports teams, a lot of our […]

Talking to Your Kids About Sex: Deborah Roffman Offers Parents Advice

“Why is it harder to talk to your children about sex than almost anything else?” asked Deborah Roffman, a sexuality educator and author of “Sex & Sensibility: The Thinking Parent’s Guide to Talking Sense About Sex.”   The parents who recently packed the auditorium at Wilmette Junior High School had lots of reasons: I’ll say […]

A Spa is Reborn: Welcome to Glenview's Aphora

When the Silken Tent closed its doors in August, building owners Mike and Kathy Duncan had a choice~ Mike and Kathy could let a beautiful facility be stripped down and sold piece by piece, or reinvent the spa experience and open its doors once again. Thank goodness they chose the latter. The Duncans are welcoming […]

Parenting: Tips From A Teen

Looking for some parenting insight from a teen perspective? Here are few suggestions: Tell us why you say “no.”   The quickest way to start a fight with your teen is to say: “Because I said so.” We work very hard at staging our requests so we can win a “yes.” So when we get […]

Drinking Age Is Debated At New Trier

From allowances and curfew times to who gets the car this weekend, the unresolved debates between parents and high schoolers are plentiful. One particularly hot issue involving parents and teens is whether or not the drinking age should be lowered.   Donald Zeigler, a representative from Mothers Against Drunk Driving, and Alex Koroknay-Palicz of the […]