Why Your Kids Should Be Doing Yoga — And How to Help Them Get Started

The toddlers in Tamara Margas’ Berkeley daycare are budding yogis, performing pint-sized poses that stir their imaginations and stretch their tiny bodies. One of their favorites is the snake pose — with their bellies on the floor, torsos lifted while they make hissing noises. Another popular pose is “Paint the Rainbow,” where the kids trace […]

I Tried Goat Yoga — Here’s What It’s Really Like

When I found myself downward dogging in a pen of baby goats that enthusiastically alternated between nibbling on my T-shirt and jumping on my back, I could have claimed I was doing it in the name of sustainable land management — but that wouldn’t quite be true. In reality, I found myself in such a […]

I Tried Goat Yoga — Here's What It's Really Like

When I found myself downward dogging in a pen of baby goats that enthusiastically alternated between nibbling on my T-shirt and jumping on my back, I could have claimed I was doing it in the name of sustainable land management — but that wouldn’t quite be true. In reality, I found myself in such a […]

Are Your Mood and Diet Making You Sick? How to Heal Yourself Naturally

Mood swings, pants that no longer button, pain, embarrassing digestive woes, spaciness — while these symptoms may seem like minor disturbances, they can also be your body’s way of telling you that something is up, perhaps even indicating more serious trouble to come. These issues may be varied, but the root cause is often the […]

7 Yoga Poses to Start Your Day Off Right

As yoga’s popularity has continued to grow, so has the body of research confirming the far-reaching benefits of regular practice. Yoga can help treat depression, PTSD, insomnia, rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease, infertility and back pain, just to name a few. Yoga works your entire body and demands focus, which can be both soothing and centering, […]

The Benefits of Yoga

No doubt about it – yoga studios are popping up everywhere! So is yoga a passing trend just like other fitness trends? The answer, quite simply, is no. Yoga has staying power – over 2,000 years of it. The reason is clear for yogis who’ve been practicing for a while. But if you’ve never practiced […]

7 Ways Yoga Makes You Sexy

I lie on my back, entirely surrendered, body melting into the floor. The gyrations of the last hour had left me pulsating from head to toe. The experience had stretched my limits and pushed me to places I’d never been. There’d been moments that were intense and even scary, but here in the dim aftermath—pure bliss. I […]

Fresh: Wear Your Yoga Personality

Moms wear a lot of different hats-chef, chauffer and cleaning lady. These quirky shirts help moms find the yoga in their life off the mat. Started by two North Shore mamas, Lori Sander and Patti Ray, Mamasana is a fun way to find the your inner yogi no matter what you are doing. There is […]